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Changing Stories

Commissioned by Workforce Council in 2011, Changing Stories is a 45 minute film resource that unpacks action research processes for early childhood educators. The film interviews educators across Queensland who were exploring themes of being, becoming and belonging as Australians. As a case study, the film focusses on place and cultural identity at the Grinding Grooves, Sunshine Coast. Deriving its name from ancient axe grinding marks in the rocks, the Grinding Grooves is a culturally significant site where Aboriginal people met, traded and played in the waterholes. The ancestral site is located along key trading paths on the Sunshine Coast, which today are motorways. In the film Kerryn Moroney and Neville Blackman reveal the significance of place for connecting to country, cultural identity and the ongoing sharing of knowledge. Bridgette produced the film design, imagery, editing and text, along with contributors. Craig McCullough captured audio and produced the sound design.

bridgette mckelvey

media consultant
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